Looking to buy Oracal 751? AirMark has 751 in stock at our Seattle warehouse for quick ship to Seattle, the northwest and beyond.
Oracal 751 is America's leading high-performance cast vinyl. Cast vinyl is manufactured for more conformability and offers increased flexibility, as well as a longer installation life over calendered vinyls. Thanks to its application versatility, Oracal 751 is ideal for lettering, marking, and particularly well suited for high-quality, longer-life vehicle and fleet graphics installations.
In addition to being an excellent vehicle graphics vinyl, Oracal 751 is the go-to vinyl for indoor and outdoor graphics, signage, and wall art, particularly for installations where a little more flexibility and conformability is required. Oracal 751 is exceptionally durable and will conform to rivets, texture and corrugated surfaces, making it an excellent option for long-term outdoor applications.

Depending on color, an outdoor installation life of up to eight years can be achieved with 751. Black and White colors of 751 offer the longest installation life, at eight years. The metallic colors offer an installation life of up to five years, while all other colors in the palette offer seven-year durability, with the exception of Brilliant Blue L and Gold L, which each have an outdoor application durability of 3 years.
AirMark offers the full-color palette for Oracal 751 High-Performance Cast Vinyl, which includes 79 color options, the popular transparent, matte black, and matte white included. All of the standard colors for Oracal 751 come with a high-gloss finish. Oracal 751 High-Performance Cast Vinyl is also print compatible by utilizing digital Thermotransfer printing (with resin ribbons).
Oracal Series 751 has become the industry standard for high performance cast vinyl because of its construction and ease of use with vinyl cutters like the Summa S2 Series Cutters and Roland CAMM vinyl cutters. 751 comes with a custom 84# silicone coated paper with unique release characteristics that provide excellent weeding and release values. Customized blue silicone paper liner for matte and gloss white provides superior contrast for easier weeding.
"Oracal Series 751 has become the industry standard for high performance cast vinyl because of its construction and ease of use..."
AirMark has Oracal 751 for sale in all 79 colors and in widths of 24”, 30’ and 36”. All three widths are available in both 10 and 50 yard lengths. We have the most popular colors of Oracal 751 in-stock and ready to ship.
And, since great designs don't magically apply themselves, Orafol makes a perfectly formulated and compatible application tape in MT95 that you’ll want to pair with Oracal 751.
Oratape MT95 is the preferred conformable clear tape for 751 installations. An everyday workhorse for signage and graphic shops, Oratape MT95 works cohesively with both Matte and Gloss vinyl surface finishes. Oratape MT95 provides a transparent opacity, which allows installers to register and place graphics quickly. Best of all, Oratape MT95 is suitable for both wet and dry applications. Finally, one of the best features of Oratape MT95 is the exceptional liner adhesion. No more "dog-earing" or " tunneling" when transporting graphics to an off-site installation.
When should you use cast vinyl Oracal 751 instead of calendered vinyl 651?
Use Oracal 751 cast for applications where a longer installation life is required, and/or the installation requires a media with more flexibility and conformability.
Oracal 751 is recommended for lettering, marking and decoration installations with high requirements for durability and conformability; and for the application of high quality vehicle and fleet graphics.
Look to Airmark if you’re looking to buy Oracal 751, or any product from the Orafol brand.